
In her stunning debut novel about a woman’s journey to unravel the mystery of her parents’ lives, Madeleine Thien proves herself a writer of vision, maturity, and style. Certainty follows Gail Lim, a producer of radio documentaries in Vancouver, as she works to uncover the history of her parents’ relationship and struggles to come to terms with the events that brought them together. Gail’s search for the truth leads her to Amsterdam where she meets a war photographer named Sipke, who tells her the story of a woman named Ani–and in so doing, reveals valuable information that not only sheds further light on Gail’s parents, but also brings Gail face to face with the complications in her own life and closer to unraveling the questions that have gripped her imagination. With a voice at once vivid and poignant, Thien crafts a story that explores the legacies of loss, the dislocations of war, and the redemptive qualities of love.