Posts Tagged ‘fantasy’

Demon Lord of Karanda: Mallorean #3

The company must track down Zandramas, who has stolen Garion’s baby son and plans to use him in a plot to make Dark Destiny rule supreme, but their quest to halt an evil prophecy is challenged at every turn

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Midnight Tides

The five tribes of the Tiste Edur have finally been united under the implacable rule of the Warlock King of Hiroth, but their peace was made at the cost of a pact made with a hidden power, and ancient forces are awakening that may destroy them all.

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Reaper’s Gale

All is not well in the Letherii Empire. Rhulad Sengar, the Emperor of a Thousand Deaths, spirals into madness, surrounded by sycophants and agents of his Machiavellian chancellor. Meanwhile, the Letherii secret police conduct a campaign of terror against their own people. The Errant, once a farseeing god, is suddenly blind to the future. Conspiracies…

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The Bonehunters

The Seven Cities Rebellion has been crushed. Sha’ik is dead. One last rebel force remains, holed up in the city of Y’Ghatan and under the fanatical command of Leoman of the Flails. The prospect of laying siege to this ancient fortress makes the battle-weary Malaz 14th Army uneasy. For it was here that the Empire’s…

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The Girl in the Tower

Vasya, forced to choose between an arranged marriage and life in a convent, flees in the disguise of a boy before her defeat of a band of terrorizing bandits earns her the admiration of the Grand Prince of Moscow.

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The Toll of the Hounds

There is a saying in Darujhistan, the city of blue fire, that love and death shall arrive together, dancing . . . It is summer and the heat is oppressive. However the discomfiture of the small round man in the faded red waistcoat is not entirely due to the sun. Dire portents plague his nights…

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The Crippled God

The Bonehunters are marching to Kolanse, and to an unknown fate. Tormented and exhausted, they are an army on the brink of mutiny.But Adjunct Tavore will not relent.If she can hold her forces together, if the fragile alliances she has forged can survive and if it is within her power, one final act remains. For…

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Dust of Dreams

On the Letherii continent the exiled Malazan army commanded by Adjunct Tavore begins its march into the eastern Wastelands, to fight for an unknown cause against an enemy it has never seen. The fate awaiting the Bonehunters is one no soldier can prepare for, and one no mortal soul can withstand – the foe is…

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Death’s Mistress

Death’s Mistress: Sister of Darkness will launch The Nicci Chronicles, Terry Goodkind’s entirely new series with a cast of characters centered on one of his best-loved characters in the now-concluded Sword of Truth. One-time lieutenant of the evil Emperor Jagang, known as “Death’s Mistress” and the “Slave Queen”, the deadly Nicci captured Richard Rahl in…

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