Posts Tagged ‘new-age’

The Yoga-Sutra of Patanjali

An accessible new edition of the classic yogic Sanskrit text, accompanied by extensive commentary, guides the reader on the path to using the mind to overcome suffering. Original. 15,000 first printing.

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The Astonishing Power of Emotions

Abraham, channeled through Esther Hicks, explains how to understand emotions and follow the life-affirming guidance that they provide, in a book that discusses how to deal with thirty-three specific situations.

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Ask and it is Given

Esther and Jerry Hicks’ first book presenting the teachings of the non-physical entity Abraham has drawn an extraordinary collection of endorsements from people keen to draw attention to the message that Abraham has to convey. Endorsements have been received from Neale Donald Walsch, John Gray, Wayne Dyer, Louise L. Hay, Jack Canfield and Christine Northrup.…

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The Vortex

Explains how to reconnect with one’s creative Source, or Vortex, in order to find the confidence and direction needed to have healthy, meaningful relationships with others.

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The Wars of Gods and Men Bk III of the Earth Chronicles

Thousands of years ago, the Earth was a battlefield. These were the wars that would shape man’s destiny—terrible conflicts that began lifetimes earlier on another planet. Parting the mists of time and myth, the internationally renowned scholar Zecharia Sitchin takes us back in this volume to the violent beginnings of the human story, when gods—not…

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The Stairway to Heaven Bk II of the Earth Chronicles

Since earliest times, human beings have pondered the incomprehensible questions of the universe, life . . . and the afterlife. Where did mortal man go to join the immortal Gods? Was the immense and complex structure at Giza an Egyptian Pharaoh’s portal to immortality? Or a pulsating beacon built by extraterrestrials for landing on Earth?…

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Divine Encounters

The Ultimate Human Experience The interaction between mankind and spiritual beings — of Divine Encounters — as recorded inscriptures and ancient texts provides a powerful drama that spans Heaven and Earth, involving worship and devotion, eternity and mortality, love and sex, jealousy and murder. But how much of these are based on real happenings and…

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The 12th Planet

Over the years, startling evidence has been uncovered, challenging established notions of the origins of life on Earth—evidence that suggests the existence of an advanced group of extraterrestrials who once inhabited our world. The first book of the revolutionary Earth Chronicles series offers indisputable documentary evidence of the existence of the mysterious planet Nibiru and…

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Egyptian Tarot

Amazingly detailed and gracefully beautiful, Alasia’s tempera-on-papyrus paintings meld the stunning style of ancient Egyptian art with the mysteries of the Tarot. To shape the interpretations, Alasia relied on the conceptions of Jean-Baptiste Pitois, who linked the Tarot tradition to the legendary Book of Thoth. Replete with ancient and exotic symbols, these cards speak to…

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