Posts Tagged ‘poetry’

Larger Than Life

Celebrity! It’s “when we clamber upwards in men’s eyes/up on the lacquered rungs of praise” according to Roger Nash. But it implies perhaps inevitable downward slide from the heights as symbolized by Priscila Uppal’s The Empty Frame. Barry Dempster holds on to an eternally luminous Marilyn Monroe, “a polaroid of a peach,/her hair a perfect…

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Falling Up

Millie McDeevit screamed a scream So loud it made her eyebrows steam. She screamed so loud Her jawbone broke, Her tongue caught fire, Her nostrils smoked… Poor Screamin’ Millie is just one of the unforgettable characters in this wondrous new book of poems and drawings by the creator of Where the Sidewalk Ends and A…

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