You’ve Got This, Mama

You’ve Got This, Mama: A Mother’s Guide To Embracing The Chaos And Living An Empowered Life is a beautiful collection of heartwarming and inspiring stories told by the real mamas who experienced them. Let’s face it, motherhood is the hardest job you’ll ever love, and it is not meant to be braved alone. It takes a village, right? There is no greater comfort than knowing you’re not alone. One, if not many, of these gorgeous souls will provide you with that. We can be your village, and lucky for you, we fit in your diaper bag. This book, much like motherhood, is full of emotion, joy, sadness, excitement, hardships, love, and beautiful chaos. Our authors share their most intimate journeys and reflections with you in hopes to empower and provide you the judgment-free support we all deserve. We are here to help you up when you’ve fallen, shine a light during those dark times, and fan out your cape for you, Supermom. The mama tribe is here to help you take motherhood by the horns and if nothing else, prove to you, yes indeed, you’ve got this!